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About The Conservation Handbook, 2nd edition...
I wrote the Conservation Handbook’s first edition in 1992 as Scouting’s major manual for stewardship and hands-on service to the land. With this new second edition, I’ve been able to incorporate much that has evolved in the last 25 years, and to take a fresh look at ways young people can play important roles in caring for the environment.
“Updated for Scouts, Scout Leaders, land Managers, and Conservation organizations, the 2016 edition of the Conservation Handbook is expanded to include the role of conservation in Scouting, how Scouts can become effective stewards of the environment, the value of partnerships between Scouts and managers of public and private lands, and specific skills for getting good work done.
The book highlights the BSA’s century-long involvement with conservation and the powerful role that caring for the environment can have for today’s Scouts and the land itself. This publication will help Scout leaders establish positive relationships with land managers and includes projects tailored to the needs of Scouts.”